Necromancer minion build diablo 3
Necromancer minion build diablo 3

We then decided on a new course of action. It was at this point that we hit our first roadblock, after countless Nightmare Dungeons, on summon Necros of all kinds, we effectively discovered that there was no consistent way of measuring uptime without reference to minion life. So we set out to understand roughly how long a minion lives, our initial logic was that if we could determine as a function of time how long minions usually lasted, we could then configure the calculator to account for minion uptime. Simply put, if you are running a summon Necromancer a large portion of your damage and resource generation is determined by how many minions you can keep alive at any given time. We started with a single question for our calculator what is the effective uptime for a Necromancer minion? While seemingly insignificant, it plays an important role in calculating damage. Learning how different abilities and specializations scale in Diablo IV allows us to accurately simulate damage in a way that is simply not possible anywhere else. This data is incredibly valuable as we continue to improve our build calculator.

necromancer minion build diablo 3

We recently got to testing Necro minion life and ended up going toe to toe with a single goatman for hours on end.

necromancer minion build diablo 3

Some things are easier to calculate than others and one variable that is giving us particular trouble is determining the life of a Necromancer Minion. Things like AOE DPS, resource generation, Talent, Aspect, and Affix modeling/contribution, armor, max life, and class specializations all need to be accounted for. In our efforts to ensure that our calculator produces the most accurate damage numbers possible we have to consider countless variables to accurately simulate damage. is in the process of putting together a calculator which performs certain simulator functions.

Necromancer minion build diablo 3